Veerle Van de Keere, Lawyer
Veerle Van de Keere obtained a licentiate in law and an aggregated diploma for law education at Ghent University in 2000, she also obtained an additional master after master in environmental law at the same university.
She has been a lawyer at the West Flanders Bar since 2000.
From 2003 to 2011 she lectured respectively at KU Leuven Kulak, HUBrussel and Hogeschool Gent in the postgraduate course 'Real Estate Law for Real Estate Practice' on spatial planning and urban planning, environmental permits, nature conservation, dunes and forest decree, monuments and landscapes, the Flemish Land Bank, the pre-emption rights and the Flemish housing code. She was an effective member of the program committee.
In 2005 she interrupted the legal profession and was legal advisor at the Flemish Land Agency at the head office in Brussels, where she built up a thorough knowledge of real estate law and agricultural law in all its facets.
In 2012 she returned to her roots and joined Emergo Advocaten.
She has a special interest in environmental law, environmental law, spatial planning and urban planning law, agricultural law, soil remediation and real estate law.
Veerle Van de Keere is the author of various publications in books and magazines, and has already been a speaker at various seminars on real estate law.

VAN DE KEERE, V., The new regulation on the extraction of surface minerals. Principles of the decree on surface minerals of April 4, 2003, Rent 2005, ep. 4, 179-188.
MEULEMANS, D., VAN DE KEERE, V., The implications of the extraction of surface minerals for rent, lease and usufruct, Rent 2006, ep. 3, 111-117.
VAN DE KEERE, V., The new Decree of 27 October 2006 on soil remediation and soil protection: the main changes and the new guidelines, Of which Act 2007, ep. 5, 93-106
VAN DE KEERE, V., General Regulations for Electrical Installations. Mandatory inspection of electrical installations when selling a house, NNK 2008, ep. 3, 66-69
VAN DE KEERE, V., The energy performance certificate for the rental of houses
Contributions to book Story Publishers, Ghent, 2009, 122p. – In Dirk Meulemans (ed)., Update on amendments to rental legislation: a state of affairs, 53-61
VAN DE KEERE, V., The compulsory periodic inspection of central heating appliances
Contributions to the book Story Publishers, Ghent, 2009, 122p – In Dirk Meulemans (ed.) Update on amendments to rental legislation: a state of affairs, 63-70
GOETHALS, J., VAN DE KEERE, V., The interaction between urban planning and tenancy law, Huur 2008, ep. 1, 2-10
VAN DE KEERE, V., New periodic inspection obligation for heating appliances, NNK 2008, ep. 1, 38-40
VAN DE KEERE, V., The compulsory periodic inspection of heating appliances; consequences for the rental of real estate, Rent 2009, ep. 2, 58-61
VAN DE KEERE, V., The conclusion of one-year lease agreements by the Flemish Land Agency, NNK 2009, ep. 2, 42-44
VAN DE KEERE, V., The new decree to amend and supplement spatial planning, permits and enforcement policy: implications for notarial practice, Rent 2010, ep. 4, 155-162
VAN DE KEERE, V., Guaranteed living insurance: Decree of the Flemish government on guaranteed living insurance of 13 June 2008, NNK 2011, ep. 2, 14-17
VAN DE KEERE, V., contribution on administrative law: Flemish rent premium for tenants waiting for social housing, NNK 2013, ep. 1, 6-12
VAN DE KEERE, V., Tenancy and administrative law: Mandatory insulation of roofs in the Bestendig Handboek Huishuur en Handelshuur, June 2013, Story Publisher Ghent, H-XX-1-1
VAN DE KEERE, V., Tenancy and administrative law: Compulsory installation of optical smoke detectors in Flanders in Bestendig Handboek Huishuur en Handelshuur, March 2015, Story Publisher Ghent, H-XX-1-1
Speaker at Study Afternoon De Nieuwe Vlaamse Woninghuur, September 9 and September 11, 2019, Ghent University College Real Estate and Surveying courses New Notarial Quarterly Journal – NNK Union Flemish Syndici – UVS chaired by Professor Luc Weyts and Professor Herman Cousy, Rillaar and Blankenberge: thematic discussion
Speaker at the annual notarial study day of the New Notarial Quarterly Journal, October 5, 2017, new legislation and developments in case law and legal doctrine, chaired by Professor Dirk Meulemans, Rillaar: Liège administrative law
Sale of real estate and housing rental, “Rental of holiday homes in the Flemish Region”, Rillaar 27 April 2010 and Ghent 22 April 2010
Formalities to be fulfilled when concluding a rental agreement, “The energy performance certificate and the mandatory inspection of electrical installations”, Ghent, 25 November 2010
Study day on building a building and renovating: “Bottlenecks with regard to planning permission for building in protected areas”, Rillaar, 7 June 2005
Overview of new legislation on. Biennial study afternoon: “The Soil Decree”, Edegem, 17 October 2008
Course series of course units subject permits and premiums: spatial planning and urban planning, monuments and landscapes, the environmental permit, nature conservation decree, forest decree and dunes decree, surface mineral extraction decree, the Flemish land bank: the pre-emptive rights, housing quality standards in the Flemish housing code, general regulations on electrical installations, the energy performance certificate, the guaranteed housing insurance, KU Leuven Kulak, HUBrussel and University College Ghent, training in real estate law for the real estate practice